The PSPV of Xàbia offers a debate forum on the challenges facing the education system
Xàbia, March 15, 2023. The Customs Library was the scene of a day attended by a hundred people, in which important voices in public education such as those of the Secretary Regional Minister of Education, Miquel Soler and direct testimonies of what is experienced day to day in classrooms and in the management of centers such as Amparo Cortell, (director of IES Antoni Llidó) or Isabel Moreno (director of CEIP Port de Xàbia and number 4 of the PSOE candidacy). The presentation of the act was carried out by the mayor and PSOE candidate of Xàbia José Chulvi.
One of the topics addressed was the potential of professional training as the path that best suits the demand for professionals and therefore very useful for a quick insertion in the labor market. In fact, strengthening this itinerary is one of the bets on which the secondary schools of Xàbia have worked.
Soler has also highlighted the challenge of continuing to advance in co-education, from equality and without gender discrimination.
Other issues that have been discussed have been how to make education more attractive for students, adapting it to the conditions of each student. Or the changes experienced following the pandemic, the role of counselors and psychologists in schools or how to reduce bureaucracy in the educational world.
Montse Villaverde, who for eight years has been responsible for the Department of Education of Xàbia City Council, has explained how he has been working for years on the concept of an educating city and the importance of both educational and cultural planning for society. It has also emphasized the importance of working in a coordinated manner from all educational sectors with common and positive objectives.
From the PSPV of Xàbia it is valued that this great response from the public demonstrates the commitment of the educational community of Xàbia to continue learning and looking for tools to promote a quality education that helps the youngest to be motivated to develop everything its potential.